Integrated Child Development Scheme

This scheme is run by the Govt. all over the state. However, a few charitable organizations in the state manage the scheme. Saraswatam is one of them which is taking care of the scheme in Mundra Taluka since 1989.

Aanganwadis are centers in villages/cities. Where the child from the mothers womb to six(6) years of age receives attention on six important aspects of childhood namely Nutrition, Health, Pre primary Education, Medical examination referral services and immunization. Along with the child mother also receives attention. Lately another vulnerable member of the society is included in the scheme which is adolescent Girls.

Under Sabla programme adolescent girls are sensitized to physical and emotional changes, health, cleanliness, nutrition, Home management, life skills, legal rights etc. Which empowered young girl to face the life confidently.

કુપોષણ અહેવાલ – મુન્દ્રા ઘટક: Download PDF

આઈ.સી.ડી.એસ.મુન્દ્રા -ઘટક: Download PDF

Today the no. of beneficiaries under the scheme is 102 Anganwadis are :-

No. of Children 7826
Pregnant mothers 913
Nursing mothers 995
Adolescent Girls 3890
Total Beneficiaries 13624